In recent months we have collaborated with the other lists and with the University for the definition of the works that will involve many of the buildings and spaces of the Milanese campuses of our university, in relation to the VI project.You. Polymes.This aims to improve the usability and livability of our buildings, rationalizing the spaces present today and monitoring the situation in the near future.
The project will change the layout of the various campuses, especially the historic headquarters in Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci. It will see the construction of new buildings in relation to the "Renzo Piano" project (which will be delivered by the architect to the University in these days), the renovation of buildings 11, 12, 13 and 14 both outside and, for some buildings, inside.
In relation to this we asked and obtained, in the preliminary projects, to have more space for students both in Bovisa and Leonardo, some designed for study others instead for the lunch break and to warm up the food.
Someone will have noticed that to date some work has already started. These are the surveys in building 13 (Clover), preliminary surveys to assess the condition of the supporting structure in view of the total renovation of the building that will take place during the next academic year.Plant works have also begun involving the Poliprint headquarters in Leonardo and will soon be completed.
In the coming months, the schedules of the most invasive interventions will be defined, which will be done in 2018 and 2019. As soon as a final decision is made on the matter, you will be notified of all the details by us and by the University.
Serene holidays and happy new year.