Unilab-Svoltastudenti in “Housing the Future: Cooperation and Solutions for the Student Emergency”
In recent years, the cost of rents in Milan has risen dramatically, making it increasingly difficult for students to find affordable housing… In recent years, the cost of renting in Milan has risen dramatically, making it increasingly difficult for students to find affordable housing. According to data from Numbeo, a European Observatory that collects cost-of-living data, found that from 2015 to the present, the price of rents has increased by 39 percent per square meter.
Cooperative solution for the future
During the event, we explored how cooperatives can offer concrete responses to this emergency. Cooperatives offer housing at subsidized prices, well below market value. Interested people put themselves on a list and, once selected, can enjoy the service indefinitely. These are innovative projects that experiment with new models of sustainable, intergenerational co-housing to make the city more habitable for students, young workers and people with low to middle incomes.
Regarding the NRRP
The fact of the matter is that all of the applications to the NRRP call for new residences are from private individuals, who, if they include extra services in their residences, can propose market-value prices and not capped prices. Yet another opportunity to help students and families in need is being wasted.
How about the future?
We as Unilab-Svoltastudenti want to open a dialogue, not only with the municipality (as done in the Rent Table), but also with the world of cooperatives to work on housing solutions suited to our needs as students.