The Internationalization Commission,chaired by our Vincenzo Giannico,approved the question we presented, on the Royal Decree of 1933,subsequently unanimously signed by the whole CNSU: the question asks directly to Minister Carrozza what actions he intends to implement so that the obvious antinomy between the DR of 33 and the widely known needs and prerogatives of internationalization of the univers system is resolved. Italian iterary, repeatedly recalled in l 240/2010, by the Bologna Process and the European Union.
National Council of University Students
To the c.a. Minister
Prof. Maria Grazia Carrozza
Ministry of Education, University and Research
E p.c. Director General
Dr. Daniele Livon
Head of Cabinet
Dr. Luigi Fiorentino
President CRUI
Prof. Stefano Paleari
Rector Politecnico di Milano
Prof. Giovanni Azzone
Subject**: Question to Minister Maria Chiara Carrozza on Royal Decree no. 1592 of 31 August 1933 on the Consolidated Text of the Laws on Higher Education**
Meeting of 26 and 27 November 2013
HAVING REGARD to the Regulations of the CNSU, in particular art. 1, paragraph 2, letter d), according to which the Council "may address questions to the Ministry about facts or events of national importance concerning teaching and student status, which are answered within 60 days".
HAVING REGARD to Law no. 240 of 30 December 2010 In particular Article 2, point 2 letter l) whichmentions "strengthening of internationalization also through greater mobility of teachers and students, integrated study programs, inter-university cooperation initiatives for study and research activities and activation, in the field of human, financial and instrumental resources available under current legislation, courses, courses of study and forms of selection carried out in a foreign language;"
HAVING REGARD to the Bologna Process of 1999, and in particular in its objectives:
- Promotion of mobility (for students, teachers, researchers and technical-administrative staff) by removing obstacles to the full exercise of free movement;
- Promotion of an indispensable European dimension of higher education: development of curricula, cooperation between higher education institutions, mobility programmes, integrated curricula, training and research.
HAVING REGARD TO the Bucharest Communiqué of 2012 and in particular point 5 – We will take measures to remove the remaining obstacles to mobility, chapter (8) which mentions: "We support the teaching of foreign languages at all levels, starting with primary education, as a prerequisite for mobility and internationalisation. In addition, we strongly support the improvement of teachers' language skills."
HAVING REGARD to the recent approval by the European Parliament of the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation _Horizon 2020_attraverso which at least half of the European Structural and Investment Funds must be dedicated to research, (70.2 billion Euros allocated in total) for which the Italian system will necessarily have to equip itself above all from the point of view of international receptivity, accentuating the European dimension of the National Research Programme, involving not only the Regions, central administrations, businesses, first and foremost universities and research institutions.
CONSIDERING also, the judgment of the TAR (Judgment N. 01348/2013 of the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court) annulling the resolution adopted on 21 May 2012 by the Academic Senate of the Politecnico di Milano in so far as it approved the motion on the adoption of the English language for the Master's degree and PhD courses, invoking Article 271 of the R.D. 31 August 1933, n. 1592, approving the consolidated text of the laws on higher education, where it is provided that "the Italian language is the official language of teaching and examinations in all university establishments".
CONSIDERING the Appeal to the Council of State of the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY AND RESEARCH, in the person of the Minister pro tempore, POLITECNICO DI MILANO in the person of the Rector pro tempore, represented and defended by the Attorney General of the State against the judgment TAR Lombardia (N. 01348/2013).
- What actions does it intend to implement in order to resolve the obvious antinomy between the Royal Decree of 31 August 1933, n. 1592, Consolidated Text of the laws on higher education, in this case in Article 271, Chapter I – General Provisions, in Title IV – GENERAL, FINAL, SPECIAL AND TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS bearing, the Italian language is the official language of teaching and examinations in all university establishments, and the points mentioned above containing normative texts and address texts;
- To consider, given the forthcoming ruling of the Council of State on the appeal of the aforementioned judgment of the TAR, the opportunity to propose to the Council of Ministers the issuance of an emergency decree law on the matter.
The CNSU unanimously
AMICO Lorenzo, ANTINORO Angelo, BUCCHI Stefano, CACCIAPUOTI Fabio, CASTELLI Francesco, CERULLO Giovanni, CHIOCCHETTA Caterina, CIARDULLI Andrea Nicola, DI CHIARA Salvatore, FABRIZI Diana, FIORINI Andrea, FONTANA Giuseppe, FREDA Raffaele, GARRONE Erica, GIANNICO Antonio Vincenzo, GOLDONI Alice, IACONO Salvatore, LORENZI Eleonora, MATTONE Andrea, MELANDRO Pier Danilo, MINERVA Nicola, MONTALBANO Giuseppe MORATO Massimiliano, PERUFFO Ester, ROESEL Lorenzo, ROMEO Giuseppe Francesco, ROSSI David, SANTOLAMAZZA Luca, SANTORO Antonio, TESTA Francesco.