

Highlights from BOD of September 26th 2023


Dear students, it is with great pleasure that we bring you the key takeaways from the latest Board of Directors meeting. It’s always exciting to find out what’s happening behind the scenes, so get ready to be informed about matters concerning you and your academic journey.

Scholarship Opportunities for THESIS Abroad:

One piece of news that we can’t help but share pertains to the call for scholarships for thesis abroad. You have until 12:00 on November 6th to apply. There are a total of 50 scholarships, each worth 2000 euros gross, in addition to travel support. And there’s more ā€“ in case of extended stays abroad, there might be additional financial incentives. The only requirement? You need to have an agreement in place with an external professor.

Part-Time Collaborations for 200 Hours:

Starting from October 9th, the call for part-time collaborations is open with some exciting changes. Now, you can work for up to 200 hours instead of the usual 150. You also have the option to decline two assignments and specify your preferences between tutoring and other activities. And yes, salaries have been raised to ensure fair compensation.

Student Housing:

This is news you shouldn’t miss! Funding from the Region has been confirmed, and the Polytechnic is working diligently to open a portion of the student residence starting from the 24/25 academic year. This means a more affordable and convenient housing solution for students.

The Dining Services and Decisions Made:

We can’t forget the discussion about the dining services. Following some controversies and summer proposals for a change in strategy regarding prices and service quality put forth by the representatives, it was decided to extend the contract with the current company. Prices will remain unchanged, despite opposition from the representatives. In particular, our representative in the Board, Sofia, abstained and explained her reasons during the meeting.

Tell us what you think!

We invite you to ask questions, share your doubts, or simply express your opinion. We are here for you and to keep you informed about everything related to your university life.

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