

From the coordination tables Città Studi Campus Sostenibile

On 19 February and 18 March, two coordination tables of the CSCS project – Città Studi Campus Sostenibile Politecnico di Milano and Università degli Studi di Milanowere held, in which the representation is invited to participate to disseminate and promote the activities among the students. The project is articulated as "a laboratory for the city of Milan" with initiatives to design and disseminate environmental sustainability practices. Researchers, students, and residents of the neighborhood are invited to participate in the 4 themed tables: People, Energy, Environment, Accessibility, City. At the coordination tables there are the internal referents of the two Universities involved and the referents of the specific projects developed in the tables.

The coordination table opened with the presentation of the reorganization of the project's web portal(,which will soon be modified: the homepage will be a "mirror" of the activities on social networks and therefore the site will have greater integration with these. On social media, in addition to promoting their own initiatives, the page dedicated to CSCS, will share news from other sources that can enrich its contents. You can already follow Città Studi Campus Sostenibile on Facebook( Twitter(

As a second item on the agenda, the main features of the Days of Sustainability event were also presented: Focus Ambiente which will take place in Milan, Auditorium Comunale di Via Valvassori Peroni, Friday 21 March 2014. The event dedicated to environmental sustainability is aimed at the Città Studi district and students, with seminars and an Ask the scientist session promoted by the teachers and researchers of the two universities. The results of the research developed in Sustainable Campus will be presented, with the aim of opening a dialogue with the local community.

In addition to this event, the People-UniMi Table promotes an appointment scheduled for next October in conjunction with the researchers' night event: a Sustainability Day on the scientific dissemination of knowledge, presenting its historical path, with a theoretical and practical reflection: from research to mathematical games.

At the coordination meetings, some updates of the work curated by the City and People Tables were exposed. The representatives of the City Table presented the results of the Smart Plan research and new inputs for Piazza Leonardo, with the drafting of the "Guidelines for the renewal of Piazza Leonardo" whose recipients will be the Deputy Mayor and Ass. De Cesaris and all the representatives of CSCS. The document consists of a morphological analysis of the square, the description of some actions already practiced last year (including RiconquistaMi and MiMuovo), and concludes with operational indications and the deepening of a project for Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci. The result is a Piazza Leonardo understood as Piazza-Giardino, consisting of 3 large areas: one characterized by the exchange with better redefined paths, a rest / recreational space, and invine a portion of the forest.

From the People Table were presented the "small experiments" developed by the students of the 2 universities during some teachings, touching on themes such as the reappropriation and revitalization of the public spaces of the square, and specific projects entitled **"Reinventing MyChef"**, with proposals to improve in terms of environmental sustainability the service that the refreshment point inserted inside the Politecnico offers.

Another item on the agenda is the verification of the progress of the projects in progress at the Politecnico offices,such as the pedestrianization and cycle link between the Villapizzone station and the Bovisa station, and thePoliCiclostudent project: among some bureaucratic difficulties it will be possible to create the first cycle workshop inside the Politecnico at the Durando Campus managed by the students themselves.

An important moment of reflection will then be reserved regarding the reorganization project of the spaces outside the Trifoglio Building:how to realize the intentions emerged from the competitions of ideas, from the internal projects, and from the results of some design workshops of the School of Architecture and Society that have been working on the square for years? CSCS will have to translate them into a concrete proposal to be realized.

Finally, we would like to point out two latest news: BMW will be a partner of the Città Studi Campus Sostenibile project. The company has already worked with the University in the past (sponsor of the 150th). This collaboration translates into a Car sharing project: "To promote the sustainable mobility of the Politecnico di Milano, BMWi has made two BMW i3 electric cars available to the University.

This made it possible to organize a car sharing service of the University.

From March 5th to April 30th all employees of the Politecnico di Milano have two BMW i3s available for service trips."

The second news concerns the mobile corner Centro Ambientale Mobile (CAM) of AMSA: it will be present in P.zza Leonardo Da Vinci, once a month from 8:00 to 13:00, from March to November 2014, for a campaign of sesibilization and information on separate collection. Here is the calendar:

  • 28 March 2014
  • 23 May 2014
  • 27 June 2014
  • 25 July 2014
  • 26 September 2014
  • 24 October 2014
  • 28 November 2014

We close the report by recalling again the appointment scheduled for Friday 21 March,at the Auditorium of Via Valvassori Peroni, with the Days of Sustainability: Focus Environment. We refer you to the program page with the detailed description of the event.

Event registration form:

Valentina Rao