

From B2 to the Rector’s Offices – 10 Reasons to Become a Representative

Two years ago, exactly at this time, I convinced myself to put myself forward as a student representative, and I must say that since then, my experience at the Polytechnic University of Milan has completely changed.

Networking: being a representative introduces you to a diverse group of people! In no time, my circle of friends and acquaintances expanded significantly, along with the topics of discussion. I used to only know students from my small design course, but through representation, I began to understand that there was much more around me, and I could interact with it.

You’re not invisible: Representatives are recognized figures by the State and the University, which means you have the power to do, say, and act, attend meetings, and assert your position. Professors and administrators CANNOT IGNORE IT because, as such, you represent a group of students.

Get to know the professors and administrative staff: Yes, the often “hated” administrative staff will become great allies. You will see the professors from a new perspective; they are human too, and sometimes just as stressed as we are!

Discover the insights of PoliMi: While you are in class, many things are happening around you that a typical student ignores. A radio studio, students building rockets for space, construction sites, and innovations will no longer be a secret to you. If you wish, you can get a sneak peek of everything PoliMi has to offer.

Less stress and more pragmatism: All in all, a failed exam or a bad review is just a small event within such a vast context where everything keeps moving forward.

A team to rely on: It’s difficult to get discouraged if you have a good team. That’s the case with “Svoltastudenti,” where I’ve always found someone willing to make me laugh during the most frustrating moments or go dancing after a challenging week. Thanks, guys.

Learning new things: Many activities revolve around representation, and I’ve had the opportunity to delve deeper into the ones I liked the most. I’ve learned to manage an Instagram page, create content, read bidding documents, and so much more.

Never a dull moment: The opportunities you will find are so numerous that the only challenge is choosing among them.

Curricular experience: What can I say? I can’t deny that this is also a good reason to get involved in representation; the skills you acquire are often sought after in the professional world.

Take the leap, step out of your comfort zone: Sometimes in life, you have to take a leap. This is the moment.

If you’ve made it this far, you’re interested in representation, and now you know it too…
To get involved or learn more, please fill out this form.

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