How to work with the library system?

The University library system using their portal from which it is possible to perform research in the University catalogue to find documents held by libraries and access to the services of the personal area, the portal of electronic resources and Has, for the search of resources, such as subscriptions to journals, ebooks and databases (including the thesis). If a resource is available in another location of the Polytechnic is not necessary to go in person: just go to the nearest library that will deliver in a few days. Always on the site of the Library Service of the University you will find all the information concerning the times and the means of access to the services and the libraries of the various campuses. For more details:

FAQ - Politecnico of Milan

The Politecnico di Milano, on the proposal of the…
To find a classroom, you can simply look for…
The University prepares various categories of exemption from the…
2 campus Milan have a local used in the…
The Plan is presented at the beginning of the…
Many addresses of Degree Courses are taught in English,…
For students there are scholarships that can support the…
It can happen to lose something in the University….
During the Academic Year are numerous extra activities-teaching for…
The Plan is presented at the beginning of the…
Yes, the Milan Polytechnic, she submits to his teachings,…
Yes, having regard to the requirement of the language…

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