

Call 150 HOURS and income: It's time to change!

For months, as representatives, we have been working on changing the selection criteria of the 150h call and today we briefly explain the current situation and our proposed change!

What is the 150-hour call?

It is a call for proposals to which all students of the three-year degree can enroll, it provides for a selection criterion and students who win a place in the ranking list will have the opportunity to work for the Polytechnic, carrying out various tasks paid at € 10 / h (for a maximum of 150 hours).

What is the current selection criterion?

Currently the formula for obtaining the assignments is as follows

Average X CFU purchases
"for the same score will be considered the student with lower ISEE income"

However, we have noticed that there are several inconsistencies in this formula
– The CFU factor is not well calibrated, since it prefers 3rd year students even if with a lower average, making the idea of media as a factor

vain-Most of the tasks that are attributed with this call are not related to teaching, so it is not necessary to have a high average to carry them out, as much as to be on par with the exams in order to have the material time necessary to take charge of working hours, which in any case take time away from study.

-On the Poli website it is indicated that the call is placed within the Scope of the Right to Study, however the income criterion is not currently a relevant factor in the ranking, since it is used only "with the same score".

What does the national legislation say?
The legislation that regulates activities of this type (Part-time activities – Law 02/12/1991, art.13) provides that it is the faculty of the individual universities to decide the criteria for the assignment of the 150h and cites criteria of merit but also of income.

The allocation of the aforementioned collaborations takes place within the limits of the resources available in the budget of the universities, with the exclusion of any additional burden borne by the State budget, and on the basis of annual rankings formulated according to the criteria of merit and income […]

What is our proposal?
We propose to improve the merit criteria and to integrate income into the selection formula.

How do I implement the proposal?
The proposal was brought into the CDS* on 8 March 2022, where a majority of the board voted in favour. Thanks to this favourable vote, the proposal has a better chance of being implemented in the future, since it has the support of students.
The next step is to talk to the offices and understand any feasibility limits and the Will of the University towards the proposal.

*Student Council: More information