

Polimi App Development

On Wednesday, March 12, a technology commission met consisting of IT managers, developers and some student representatives. This is a commission that will have the task in the coming months of meeting in a regular manner to discuss various issues concerning technological services at the polytechnic.

Object of the first working table: theofficial app of the polytechnic.

In fact, for some months now the development of an app that can support the lives of students has been in the pipeline and the opportunity has been taken to show a preview of the app and collect new proposals from those directly concerned.

At this stage, the project includes read-only functions:

  • consultation of free classrooms / search for classrooms integrated with polimaps navigation system
  • consultation career status/ exam result / media details
  • phonebook: polytechnic personal search

The app will in principle be available for the Android and iOSstores, while the development for the third mobile platform in Italy, in increasing expansion: Windows Phone,is being considered.

Given the infinite possibilities of development, the focus group guideline has required to identify a solution that allows you to concentrate efforts and costs to obtain the greatest possible benefit with the minimum indispensable number of functions, then avoiding arriving at a product that limits itself to cloning the features already usable via the web.

There was discussion about the possibility of integrating a live fault reporting system inside the classrooms, taking advantage of the QR codes that are posted on each door. The proposal was well received by the representatives and is already budgeted by the developers.

Another point of discussion was the implementation of the app with secretarial services. While the possibility of making online reservations was not considered a priority (given the disparities that it would create, considering telephone booking sufficient and counting the timetable reform plan promoted in these days by SvoltaStudenti), there was talk of the possibility of checking online the progress of the queues at the counters, once the ticket has been detached, to avoid wasting time in line. The project, already put in the pipeline in the past, has been kept pending given the interest expressed by a company that already offers an identical service via app in different public offices, institutes and hospitals: Qurami.

With regard to secretarial services, it was pointed out that it is preferable to facilitate the resolution of problems directly online, rather than orienting the student with practical information meetings in the secretariats. The solution? FAQ. They exist, they just need to become more easily identifiable and usable on the portal.

Among the various proposals put forward by the representatives, interesting is the implementation of a system of notifications (probably push, to avoid costs related to messaging) relating to the deadlines that punctually lead the most distracted to have to contact the secretariats: exam registration window, plan presentation, payment of fees etc.

As for the future, several possibilities have been examined:

  • events calendar integration
  • development of social functions (forget the bitter chat attempt of BeeP)
  • integration of virtual in-app bulletin boards related to places, to allow alerts from professors and students.

In the margins of the main focus, the working table also had the opportunity to discuss other aspects concerning the current state of services, in this regard the following measures will be taken:

  • access to the Polimi secured network also through Windows Phone devices,
  • creation of a mobile page for login to online services,
  • mapping and integration of non-didactic places and offices in polymaps.

Next topic of the focus group: THE WEB PORTAL

The call for the collection of students' ideas is open, both as regards the app and as regards the portal.

If you wish to propose your idea write to,we will submit it directly to the attention of Mr. BeeP and Online Services!