

#DETTOFATTO: 2 years as students

Campus Life

Student representation has proactively influenced the political and administrative choices of the university: Svoltastudenti has committed itself to increasing the livability of the campus, increasing the well-being of students, expanding opportunities and increasing participation.

In this two-year period thanks to the Student Representation:

  • We have included theStudent Associations in the strategic objectives of the university, it will be recognized in the Diploma Supplement.
    We have obtained an office for the associations and classrooms will be created within Leonardo's future Faculty space and the new Gasometri project;
  • We have drawn up a single Regulation for all University Residences in order to standardize the rules and finally make them clearer and safer;
  • We have requested the inclusion of female hygienic devices in the university vending machines,the price is still high: we will continue to work to lower it;
  • We have obtained, within the project the Hill of the students,an entire floor dedicated to the students;
  • We collaborated, together with @polinetwork, to create the Polimi Chatbot to alleviate the burden of secretarial chats and respond faster to the most common questions of students
  • The design evaluation of our proposal for the creation of a space "Art, Music and Ideas" is underway within which to directly correlate musical-artistic qualities-attitudes with technical-engineering skills-competences;
  • We requested the installation of innovative and efficient drinking water dispensers and vending machines, with most of them the use of biodegradable glasses and pallets, as well as the insertion of baskets for organic waste;
  • We have contributed to the improvement of the ban on theft insurance:by increasing the reimbursement ceiling and decreasing the cost of insurance;
  • We have requested new places in university residences: two new residencesare being planned;
  • We have obtained the renovation of the Spazio Studio Acquario;


Svoltastudenti believes that sport should be an integral part of our university life. In every meeting we reiterated our idea of sport.

At the beginning of 2021, work on the new Giuriati sports center was completed: the symbol of this idea of sport shared by the Student Representation and the university:a latest-generation sports center, where 12 disciplines can be practiced. We actively participated in the inauguration of the Sports Center talking about our 7 values and how important it is to transmit them through sport.

In the two-year period 2019-2021 thanks to the Student Representation:

  • We have been actively working on the construction of the New Giuriati Campus, inaugurated on March 14th in its final configuration.
  • Over the last year, the project for a multi-sports field equivalent to the Giuriati in the Bovisa Campus, in the gasometer area, has been prepared. You can find the details in our post "La Bovisa del Futuro" of 8 May 2020 and on our website. 
  • We have obtained a discount on the rates of the 5-a-side football fields of the Giuriati sports center for all holders of the Polimi Sport Card.
  • We have proposed and obtained the creation of a questionnaire for all students,in order to have statistical data with the aim of offering increasingly targeted and effective activities for the student population of our university.
  • We have obtained discounted rates and variable subscriptions according to the ISEE compared to all sports services;
  • We have contributed to the design of a new Polimi Sport website, where you can find out about every sporting activity for students and buy subscriptions and courses.  
  • We have always pointed out, thanks above all to the elected representatives of the Sports Committee, the point of view of the students by promoting that idea of"sport for all"that is very often missing in Italian universities.  

Covid emergency

Thanks to the Student Representation it was obtained:

  • The partial reimbursement of meal vouchers with an allocation of 250 thousand Euros for all students who in the months of the health emergency, in the academic year 2020/2021, have not been able to use them. The same reimbursement will also be prepared for the academic year 2020/2021.
  • the postponement of the deadline for the submission of the ISEE model of 60 in the emergency period of spring 2020;
  • The postponement of the deadline for the second installment of tuition fees to 31 July 2020 in the emergency period of the first 2020;
  • The postponement of the deadline of the university residences installment to May 3, 2020 in the emergency period of spring 2020;
  • the possibility of cumulating weekly for meal vouchers;
  • the inclusion of an extraordinary Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) call in June 2020 for the academic year 2019/2020, and in June 2021 for the academic year 2021/2021
  • the reimbursement of rents for off-site students for the year 2020 in the months of health emergency, the application is still open, will close on May 10;


Svoltastudenti has constantly fought for the Right to University Study and Meritocracy:we believe that every student should have the same opportunities regardless of the economic level of departure and we are convinced that merit must be rewarded.

  • We requested and obtained that all the "eligible" students were "beneficiaries", thus guaranteeing the scholarship and anyone who had the merit and income requirements;
  • We have increased from € 250 to € 500 the economic contributions for those who participate in international competitions;
  • We have increased by 67 units in the number of students who receive the merit awardin the first year;
  • We supported the establishment of the Honorary Loan;
  • We have requested the inclusion of the Caregiver Exemption Category,which has been unanimously approved by the Student Council and is being evaluated bureaucratic-administratively for the actual inclusion in the taxation system.
  • We have requested the increase of the fund for extraordinary contributions, in order to allow them to be disbursed to a wider audience of students;

Equal Opportunities

Svoltastudenti has been strongly committed to equal opportunities in order to create awareness and equity measures.

  • We organized in July 2020, jointly with Campus Life, PoliEdro and POP, the first edition of PolimiPrideWeek:a week of events aimed at raising awareness among the student population and creating awareness with the inauguration of theRainbow Bench a symbol against discrimination in order to fight for the rights of the LGBTQI+ community and fight homophobia, we requested that the second edition be organized in July 2021 with the inauguration action of another rainbow bench in Bovisa LaMasa;
  • We have formally requested that the Polytechnic Equal Opportunities Project be expanded;
  • We have agreed with the Rectorate the establishment of Scholarships for students with non-graduate parents;
  • We have proposed the modification of the Erasmus Call:The three bonus points for the double degree have also been reinstated for those who have previously participated in a mobility program. As far as engineering is concerned, the formation of the rankings remains unchanged compared to previous years, with the Degree as the only index of merit and positioning. For AUIC and Design schools we have included an eligibility bonus compared to the first preference expressed. 
  • We have proposed the introduction of guidelines for moving as a Free Mover:in this way, students are assured of the recognition of credits given abroad, but outside the mobility calls, subject to compliance with the aforementioned guidelines in the selection of exams.


Svoltastudenti has been incisive in the reforms of the system and attentive to the resolution of daily problems.

  • Mathematical Engineering:countless courses borrowed from other courses have been added to the master's degree offer to allow you to better customize your choices.
  • Management Engineering,second year: it has gone from the 9 majors previously present to the 14 now available: greater possibility of customization of one's path and the availability of majors more in step with the times.
  • Aerospace Engineering:in fact, the educational offer has been completely revisited: many new courses have been introduced, others have updated their programs, greater freedom of choice of courses to follow has been offered to students, releasing especially in the Aeronautical Master's Degree the Study Plans Preventively;

In addition:

  • We have collaborated with the teaching secretariat to create sessions with more sustainable dates for all students.
  • We have proposed the introduction of peer to peer tutoring also for students of the third year of the three-year course to do tutoring to colleagues of previous years.

For any kind of clarification, or other information on the work of the representation, do not hesitate to write to us