


Increased fixed number Design Master Degree
Teaching in English Bachelor’s Degree

🪧 Changes in study courses A.A. 25/26

A number of changes to the Course of Study manifests were approved in the last Senate meeting.
In particular, the Bachelor’s degrees in Mechanical and Management Engineering will give students the option of attending the entire third year or a semester of their choice in English, activating an English stagger for courses delivered in 1° and 2° semesters.

These changes affect courses delivered in Bovisa and for mechanics only PSPA Propedeutic.

Increase in scheduled numbers DESIGN MASTERS DEGREE.

  • LM Integrated Product Design: +10 seats for EU students, rising from 90 to 100 total seats
  • LM Interior Spatial Design: +10 seats for EU students, rising from 140 to 150 total seats
  • LM Communication Design: +5 seats for EU students, rising from 130 to 135 total seats
  • LM Product Service System Design: +10 seats for EU students and +10 seats for non-EU students, rising from 80 to 100 total places


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